How to say Bullshit in Mandarin 胡说八道
What your're about to learn today is a very useful word that you can use in everyday with Chinese friends. But make sure you use this word with close friends, otherwise the other party might get upset. So let's talk about How to say Bullshit in Mandarin。
You can say 胡说八道 (hushuobadao)
Let's look deep inside 胡说八道 (hushuobadao) and find out How to say Bullshit in Mandarin.
胡 in 胡说 means 胡人。 胡人 is Manchurians. In ancient period the Han chinese ignored the Manchurians, regarding them as barbarians.
八道 means doctrines and principles in Buddhism. It is usually very difficult and complicated knowledge that maybe highly educated people might understand these things.
So Han people thought that 胡人 the Manchurians are not educated and uncivilized people who speaking about Buddhism' doctrines and principles is just NONSENSE.
That is why 胡说八道 means "bullshit" "nonsense" in Mandarin. So now we know what is the origin of this word. Now let's see how to use 胡说八道 in real Chinese conversation.
Situation : Two friends are talking and their age is about over 50.
Man1 : 你知道吗? 我10多岁的时候在街舞团队跳舞的。
Hey, you know what? I was a B-boy dancer when I was a teenager?
Man2 : 少来! 你别胡说八道! 我才不相信呢。 如果你是街舞团那我是毛泽东。
Stop it! Please don't Bullshit! I dont believe you. If you were a B-boy then I am Chairman Mao.(mao ze dong)
From above dialogue we can Learn how to say Bullshit in Mandarin and in which situation.
simply say, whatever the other party says something nonsense or the things that you can not believe then you can say 胡说八道 to him or her.